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The purpose of this R Markdown document is to demonstrate how R and Excel can be used to solve problems in data science and analytics engineering.
In this example, R is used to:
If a variable name begins with a .
this is simply to avoid conflicting names with R keywords or other variables in the namespace
This R Markdown document will provide an example of how to access enrollment data for the USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).
In this example, I will read an Excel document located on the USDA’s website containing data for CRP Enrollment and Rental Payments by State, 1986-2019.
Let’s start by loading the necessary packages
Read data
usda_url <- ""
DT <- read.xlsx(usda_url, sheet = "ACRES", startRow = 4)
View the top 6 rows of the table.
## STATE 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991
## 1: ALABAMA 68508.7 301781.0 411872.3 483683.5 501939.1 518101.2
## 2: ALASKA 2312.0 16589.2 25070.0 25282.1 25282.1 26129.6
## 3: ARIZONA 0.0 0.0 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8
## 4: ARKANSAS 19999.2 91611.6 140646.8 184557.1 212325.9 221652.9
## 5: CALIFORNIA 21953.4 119699.9 151569.3 169460.9 176164.8 176164.8
## 6: COLORADO 354707.6 1286526.4 1599842.6 1751619.0 1908530.0 1910089.3
## 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
## 1: 533145.3 555523.1 555523.1 554378.3 543859.0 522200.0 426110.8
## 2: 26129.6 26129.6 26129.6 24929.7 24908.2 24673.8 25182.5
## 3: 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8
## 4: 232969.0 246474.3 246474.3 245819.1 239120.4 230370.5 180809.1
## 5: 181807.8 182185.0 182185.0 180520.0 178967.4 172966.3 133052.1
## 6: 1924274.5 1933910.1 1933910.1 1933203.0 1917138.9 1890058.1 1798544.0
## 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
## 1: 410310.0 455772.1 480149.9 483654.4 483514.0 484247.7 485106.2
## 2: 24970.4 29983.9 29471.1 29476.1 29511.1 29522.2 29803.8
## 3: 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8 32.8
## 4: 148449.8 145245.1 157270.2 161363.3 171183.2 190185.4 202528.3
## 5: 129000.2 130130.1 137241.4 138997.2 142860.5 146954.2 144438.4
## 6: 1942880.7 2093465.0 2204833.7 2209394.8 2203548.8 2275856.7 2284796.5
## 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
## 1: 491584.4 492544.9 463696.6 445837.7 417483.5 396597.2 360284.7
## 2: 29748.2 29745.7 26463.1 26463.1 25799.6 19013.4 18982.5
## 3: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
## 4: 220275.3 237860.7 233807.6 246977.1 248619.2 249421.2 251166.4
## 5: 147364.3 148899.4 132547.0 128097.0 125668.0 121757.4 101227.5
## 6: 2372838.4 2472094.2 2437937.1 2419613.0 2022102.3 2238974.3 2175942.0
## 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
## 1: 324751.5 307772.2 278099.2 255214.37 241959.66 212730.90 200036.22
## 2: 17992.4 17977.0 17518.3 17423.50 17423.50 2704.30 2704.47
## 3: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
## 4: 239593.4 236057.5 234038.8 231505.79 230271.71 230624.50 219861.78
## 5: 87660.0 83113.7 81456.2 79611.04 74336.77 42788.19 42735.31
## 6: 2067070.1 1988096.2 1912358.4 1853457.21 1779117.03 1813765.63 1838914.49
Un-pivot the data in order to make it easier to work with.
DT <- data.table::melt(DT, id.vars = "STATE", = "YEAR", = "ACRES")
View the top 3 rows of the table.
head(DT, 3)
## 1: ALABAMA 1986 68508.7
## 2: ALASKA 1986 2312.0
## 3: ARIZONA 1986 0.0
View the bottom 3 rows of the table.
tail(DT, 3)
## 1: WYOMING 2019
## 2: U.S. 2019
## 3: 1/ Fiscal years end September 30th. Not including Virginia cities. 2019
## 1: 206581
## 2: 22324912
## 3: NA
Looks like we grabbed a blank row (where STATE = “1/ Fiscal years end September 30th…”). We also grabbed the US total (where STATE = “U.S.”).
## [1] "ALABAMA"
## [2] "ALASKA"
## [3] "ARIZONA"
## [4] "ARKANSAS"
## [6] "COLORADO"
## [8] "DELAWARE"
## [9] "FLORIDA"
## [10] "GEORGIA"
## [11] "HAWAII"
## [12] "IDAHO"
## [13] "ILLINOIS"
## [14] "INDIANA"
## [15] "IOWA"
## [16] "KANSAS"
## [17] "KENTUCKY"
## [18] "LOUISIANA"
## [19] "MAINE"
## [20] "MARYLAND"
## [22] "MICHIGAN"
## [23] "MINNESOTA"
## [25] "MISSOURI"
## [26] "MONTANA"
## [27] "NEBRASKA"
## [28] "NEVADA"
## [30] "NEW JERSEY"
## [31] "NEW MEXICO"
## [32] "NEW YORK"
## [34] "NORTH DAKOTA"
## [35] "OHIO"
## [36] "OKLAHOMA"
## [37] "OREGON"
## [39] "PUERTO RICO"
## [40] "RHODE ISLAND"
## [42] "SOUTH DAKOTA"
## [43] "TENNESSEE"
## [44] "TEXAS"
## [45] "UTAH"
## [46] "VERMONT"
## [47] "VIRGINIA"
## [48] "WASHINGTON"
## [50] "WISCONSIN"
## [51] "WYOMING"
## [52] "U.S."
## [53] "1/ Fiscal years end September 30th. Not including Virginia cities."
Let’s filter the entire table by selecting only rows containing the name of an actual state.
state_names <- toupper(
DT <- DT[STATE %in% state_names]
Format column names so they’re all lowercase to make it easier to work with.
old_names <- names(DT)
new_names <- tolower(old_names)
setnames(DT, old_names, new_names)
Let’s aggregate the data in order to plot the annual US total.
dt <- DT[, .(total_acres = sum(acres), avg_acres = mean(acres)), by = .(year)]
ggplot(dt, aes(x = as.character(year), y = total_acres)) +
geom_point() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45)) +
labs(y = "Total Acres", x = "Year")
You can view all of the data in this paged table.
rmarkdown::paged_table(dt, options = list(rows.print = 10))
Save the results to a CSV file.
csv_fname <- here("Data", "usda_crp_enrollment.csv")
fwrite(DT, csv_fname)
And that’s it! I hope this was helpful. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.